

Alessia Gatta


Alessandro Frau
Chiara D’antò
Daniele Toti
Eleonora Colasanti
Gioele Coccia
Gioia Giglio
Raffaele Angius
Sara Sguotti
Veronica Fanella
Viola Pantano

LIKE A DOLL (studio I)
A Ritmi sotterranei’s production in collaboration with the  a.s.d. [MATRICE] N and l’ass. Zerotremilacento di Frosinone.


LIKE A DOLL (studio II)
A Ritmi sotterranei’s production in collaboration with the [International Dance Week] Spoleto, Culture Department of the Spoleto City and Eventart of Rieti


Bambole contemporanee, con pose rigide e lineamenti delicati ma netti. Bambola un po disfatta come se oggi essere bambola non significhi piu’ perfezione di tratti e bon ton ma commistione stilistica e audacia. La pelle si fa di gesso come maschere senza volto, espressione sottratta ai movimenti del viso e affidata al solo corpo , agli abiti protagonisti eccessivi nei volumi, nei materiali, nei colori.


Contemporary dolls, with stiff poses and delicates but sharps features. Exhausted dolls as if today doll was not symbol of perfection of traits and bon ton but a symbol of a bold stylistic mixture. Skin is made of plaster and becomes a faceless mask. The expression, subtracted by facial movements is assigned to the body and to clothes, which become protagonists with their excessive volumes, materials and colors